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Smithtown's Approach to Important Issues in Education

In an effort to provide our school community with improved communication and transparency, we want to begin sharing detailed information regarding issues of importance. It is important to know our district’s philosophical and practical approaches to addressing these issues and we intend to share this information via the following tools:

• A position paper, which is an essay that presents an arguable opinion about an issue.
• An infographic that serves as a graphical representation of information, data or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly.
• A video message that underscores the District’s position on the issue in question.

Please know that the information we will be sharing is not the final word on these subjects, but rather insight into the District’s current approach to important issues. Our work and approach will continue to evolve as we work earnestly to better assist our students and our school community.

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Social and Emotional Learning
Mental Health
Professional Development