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School District



Technology Department

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The Technology Department provides engaging lessons that create lasting memories and guide students to find their passion for learning new and interesting skills. As part of the Career and Technical Education (CTE) department, the middle and high school engineering and technology courses encourage students to develop a problem-solving mindset while engaging in real-world challenges that enable them to become better collaborators and thinkers. The technology courses are designed to introduce students to fields and career paths that they may not have known about and apply what they have learned in other classes to real-world problems and develop 21st century skills. In middle school, students are taught to take chances by designing and redesigning projects to solve problems by following the engineering design process. Students are introduced to topics such as nanotechnology, technical drawing, technology literacy, measurement, space exploration, architecture, automation and robotics. In high school, students are taught real-world knowledge and skills in courses such as engineering design, computer integrated manufacturing, robotics, construction, automotive, basic electricity, plumbing, computer repair and cyber security. Students will have the opportunity to collaborate and work in teams as well as extend their learning beyond the classroom with field trips, guest lectures, career fairs and interactions with the community. The skills the students learn in their technology classes will be used for the rest of their lives for any career path they choose.



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Resources Available Through ClassLink

The following online resources are available for the Social Studies department through ClassLink.

PLTW - Access to Project Lead the Way activities and resources (grades K-12)

Additional Resources for Students

Honor Society Information

HSE Advisor - Dave Savage

HSW Advisor - Sean Tomasello

Department Links

Department Presentations to the Board of Education

Presentation to the Board of Education - December 12, 2023

Staff Directory

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