Acceptable Use of Technology
The mission of the ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ Electronic Access Initiative is to improve teaching and learning through access to information, research, communication, collaboration, publication and productivity tools. In addition, these tools are also used for the dissemination of successful educational practices, methods, and materials. It is the District’s responsibility to instruct students and staff about network safety, their role as a ‘network citizen’, and the code of ethics involved with the global electronic community.
The ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ computer and network facilities are to be used in a responsible, efficient, ethical, and legal manner in accordance with the mission of the district. Users must acknowledge their understanding of the Regulations and guidelines as a condition for using the network. Failure to adhere to the Regulation and its guidelines may result in suspending or revoking the offender’s privilege of network access and/or other sanctions. Considering that network access is an integral part of district coursework, academic performance may be hindered by a user’s failure to adhere to these guidelines.
The District’s network offers users access within and among District buildings and to the world via the Internet. Acceptable uses of the network are limited to activities that support teaching and learning. The District reserves the right to review all information on or transmitted through its computers or its network. Staff and students may only access the programs and Internet sites relevant to their school district work. Limited personal use of the District email system is granted to district employees for emergency communication with family. In accordance with the Code of Conduct, misuse of the network is prohibited.
Unacceptable uses of the network include but are not limited to the following examples:
1. Physically damaging or vandalizing the district network including, but not limited to computers, display screens, projectors, interactive white boards, CD/DVD drives, mice, keyboards, network wiring and related equipment
2. Wasting resources including, but not limited to paper, ink/toner, email and network storage and/or bandwidth
3. Using profanity, obscenity or language in any media form which may be offensive to another person
4. Mailing of non-district related items, i.e. financial, political, or religious causes
5. Sending harassing or abusive email messages
6. Using the network for financial or commercial gain
7. Using the network for illegal activity
8. Using the network to violate copyright and/or Fair Use Laws
9. Accessing another user’s account
10. Installing computer viruses, malware, spyware and/or Trojan applications
11. Bypassing the District’s Internet filter or network policies
12. Students, including student aides, are prohibited from using administrative computers
District staff will explain proper techniques and standards for using the network and accessing the Internet. Particular concerns include safety and issues of privacy. Internet Safety will be taught as part of the curriculum.
Staff and students are encouraged to produce materials for electronic publication. Proofread and edit all content before publishing. Consider that what you publish will reflect upon you in the future. Network users are encouraged to be mindful of their conduct on the Internet and should be aware that inappropriate behavior such as illegal actions, libel, slander, harassment, etc., may result in disciplinary and/or legal action. It is the view of the district that electronic communications can serve as an enhancement to the educational experience and should be explored by staff and students alike responsibly.
Electronic publication by teachers and students is limited as follows:
1. No personal information about a student will be allowed. This includes phone numbers, addresses, and details regarding the specific location of any student at any given time.
2. Elementary students (K-5) may not be identified by last name.
3. Students in pictures, movies or sound recordings may not be identified by last name.
4. Text, image, movie or sound that contains pornography, profanity, obscenity, or language that offends or degrades others is prohibited.
5. Agreements to get together with someone you “meet” online are prohibited.
The person issued an account is responsible for its proper use at all times, including password management and its security in accordance with the following:
1. Passwords will not be shared with others.
2. Passwords will conform to district rules that define a minimum length with a mix of uppercase, lowercase, alpha and numeric characters.
3. Passwords will be changed frequently. In particular, employee passwords will be changed at least twice each school year.
4. Passwords for various systems will be different. For example, the district network, financial system, and student information system accounts for each user will each have different passwords.
This Regulation of the ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ is intended to be illustrative of acceptable and unacceptable computer, network and Internet usage and is not exhaustive. Questions about specific uses related to security issues not enumerated in this regulation statement, general usage questions, and reports of specific unacceptable uses should be directed to the building principal and/or department administrator.
The District will review alleged violations of the Regulation on a case-by-case basis. Clear violations of the Regulation may result in the suspension or termination of computer and/or Internet services for the person(s) at fault and referral for disciplinary actions and legal actions, as appropriate.
Return to TopAccident Insurance
The ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ elects to provide a non-duplicating student accident insurance policy. It is important to note that this coverage is excess coverage above and beyond medical insurance that the student’s parent or guardian may have of their own. It provides coverage for those expenses not covered by the parent or guardian’s insurance on the basis of “usual and customary charges.”
All injuries must be reported to the student’s health office staff or to a teacher, coach, or other school district authority, so that an accident report can be filed with the District’s insurance carrier on a timely basis. Because the district policy is non-duplicating/excess coverage, the parent or guardian must first file medical claims with their personal carrier prior to submitting claims to the District’s Student Accident Insurance Company.
More detailed information is provided through an informational packet sent home by each building principal and directions are provided by the school nurse when a claim form is requested from the school’s health office in the event of an injury requiring medical attention. Questions regarding coverage and submission of claims should be directed to the school nurse’s office.
Return to TopAsbestos Notification
In accordance with 40 CFR §763.84.c, regard this statement as the district’s annual notification to all workers, students and or their legal guardians that the district continues to maintain its Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) which documents all performed or planned asbestos related inspections, response actions, and post-response action activities, including periodic reinspection and surveillance activities within the school district. A copy of this AMP is available for your review and or inspection at the District’s Facilities office. If you would like to review the district’s AMP please contact Mr. Daniel Leddy in the Facilities office at (631) 382-4130.
Return to TopAttendance
Parents/guardians are responsible, under the School Attendance Laws of New York State, for their children’s regular attendance and punctuality. Excused absences include: personal illness, illness or death in the family, impassable roads or unsafe travel conditions, religious observance, quarantine, required court appearances, medical appointments, approved court appearances, approved cooperative work programs, military obligations, or participation in school sponsored and approved activities. If a student is or will be absent, his/her parent/guardian is expected to phone the school on the first day of such absence, and to indicate the anticipated duration of the absence. Furthermore, a written excuse must accompany the child when returning to school after an absence. The reason for the absence and dates covered must be included in the note. The note must be signed by the parent or guardian.
In compliance with the New York State law, the District adopted a comprehensive attendance policy that was implemented in the 2003-2004 school year. Current attendance requirements are clearly delineated in the secondary school handbooks.
Return to TopChemical Application
Chemical Application Information
Return to TopChild Protection Services
Child Protection Services Information
Return to TopServicio de Protección de Menores
Información de Servicio de Protección de Menores
Return to TopCode of Conduct Summary
All members of the school community are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct. Complete copies of the Code of Conduct are available for review in each school building. You may pick up a copy at the SCSD District Office or refer to the Policy Manual, Section 5300.
Policy Manual
Return to TopComplaints and Grievances
The ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ hereby advises students, parents, employees, residents, and the general public that it offers educational and employment opportunities without regard to sex, race, color, religion, creed, national origin, disability, or age. Any complaints or concerns should be brought to the attention of the building principal and/or the District’s Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services, 26 New York Avenue, Smithtown, New York 11787 (631) 382-2070.
Return to TopData Privacy - Parents' Bill of Rights
(i) Student data cannot be sold or released for commercial purposes;
(ii) Parents have the right to inspect and review the complete contents of their child's education record;
(iii) State and federal law protect the confidentiality of personally identifiable information, and that safeguards to protect personally identifiable information are utilized by the school district (e.g., encryption, firewalls, and password protection);
(iv) A list of all student data elements collected by the State is available for public review;
(v) Parents have the right to have complaints addressed about possible breaches of student data.
Questions and concerns should be directed to:
Kevin Simmons, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and Administration
26 New York Avenue
Smithtown, NY 11787
John Nolan
Director of Information & Technology Services
26 New York Avenue
Smithtown, NY 11787
Return to TopData Privacy - Supplemental Information
Return to TopDignity for All Students Act (DASA)
Dignity for All Students Act Information
Return to TopDrug Free ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ
The Board of Education of the ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ is committed to the prevention of alcohol, tobacco, and other substance use/abuse. This policy describes the philosophy of the ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ and the program elements the District will use to promote healthy life styles for its students and staff and to inhibit the use/abuse of alcohol, tobacco, performance enhancing drugs, and other substances.
No person may use, possess, sell, or distribute alcohol or other controlled substances, nor may use or possess drug paraphernalia, on school grounds or at school-sponsored events, except drugs as prescribed by a physician. The inappropriate use of prescription and over-the-counter drugs shall also be prohibited.
Additionally, the following persons shall be prohibited from entering school grounds or school-sponsored events: any person exhibiting behavior, or physical characteristics indicative of having used or consumed alcohol or other psychotropic substances.
The District will use the following principles as guides for the development of its substance use/abuse prevention efforts and for any disciplinary measures related to alcohol and other substances:
Alcohol, tobacco, and other substance use/abuse is preventable and treatable.
Alcohol and other substance use/abuse inhibits the District from carrying out its central mission of educating students. The behavior of the Board of Education, the administration, and all school staff should model the behavior asked of students. While the District can and must assume a leadership role in alcohol, tobacco, and other substance use/abuse prevention, this goal will be accomplished only through coordinated, collaborative efforts with parents, students, staff and the community as a whole.
Return to TopEmergency Closing Procedures
In preparation for the upcoming school year, parents and students should familiarize themselves with emergency school procedures. The following radio and television stations have agreed to broadcast news about emergency school closings:
District’s Website:
WALK (1370 AM, 97.5 FM)
WBLI (106.1 FM)
News 12 – Channel 12
If there is any doubt about school being open or closed, listen to these radio stations or watch News12/FIOS 1. Residents are requested not to telephone the school office when weather is bad. Too many calls tie up vital phone lines, making it much more difficult to keep everything running smoothly.
Smithtown also has “delayed opening” and “early dismissal” procedures. When it appears that the weather will improve early enough, the school district will institute its “delayed opening” procedure. The radio stations will be notified, and bus and opening time schedules will be delayed from one to two hours, depending upon the individual situation. Dismissal will remain the same when possible.
If inclement weather makes it necessary to dismiss students early, the radio and television stations will be notified, and the district automated calling system will be activated.
Return to TopExclusion of Students Possessing Firearms
The Board of Education has determined that if and when a student brings or has in his/her possession a weapon, as the term is defined in Title 18 U.S.C. section 921, to a school in the ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ, that student shall be excluded from school for a period not less than one year. The Superintendent of ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ may modify such exclusion requirement on a case-by-case basis in accordance with applicable federal and state laws, rules and regulations, and after affording the student such due process as may be required.
Return to TopFERPA
Parents and eligible students* have the following rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).
• The right to inspect and review the student’s education record.
• The right to exercise a limited control of other people’s access to student records.
• The right to seek to correct the student’s education record if believed to be in error.
• The right to report violations of FERPA to the appropriate federal agency.
• The right to be informed about FERPA rights.
*All rights and protections given parents under the FERPA and this procedure transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or enrolls in a post-secondary school. The student then becomes an “eligible student.” The following information is designated as student “Directory Information:” student’s name, address, date of birth, grade level, extra-curricular participation, awards or honors, photograph, height and weight (if a member of an athletic team), previous school attended, parent’s name. “Directory Information” may be disclosed without prior written consent. Parents or eligible students will have two weeks from the beginning of the school year or date a student enrolls to advise the school district, in writing, of any and all items they refuse to permit the district to designate as directory information for the balance of the school year.
Return to TopHealth & Safety
The District’s Health and Safety Committee has provided a form for employees and residents to report any health and safety related concerns with the School District’s facilities or on its grounds. You may print the attached form and forward it to the attention of Mr. Andrew Tobin, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations, 26 New York Avenue, Unit 1, Smithtown, NY 11787.
The form must be filled out in its entirety and signed by the individual who is requesting the investigation or review of the particular situation. Please indicate the building by name and the location within the building, or grounds, you believe there may be a problem.
We will respond directly to you by mail with our findings after the matter is investigated.
Health & Safety Form
Return to TopNCLB
According to the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, public schools are now legally required to release names, addresses, and telephone numbers of secondary students to military recruiters or institutions of higher education upon request.
Parents or guardians may request in writing, that their child’s name, address, and telephone listing not be released without prior written parental consent. These requests should be addressed to the Principal’s Office for both High School East and High School West.
In addition, if your child attends a school that receives Title I federal funds, under No Child Left Behind federal legislation, you may request information regarding the qualifications of your child’s teacher(s). This information includes the New York State license the teacher holds, as well as the degree, major, and field of discipline of the teacher’s certification or degree.
If you would like this information regarding your child’s teacher(s), please submit your written request to: Mr. Neil Katz, Assistant Superintendent for Personnel Services, ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ, 26 New York Avenue, Smithtown, New York 11787.
Return to TopPesticide Notification
New York State Education Law, Section 409-H, requires schools to provide written notification regarding actual or potential use of pesticides throughout the school year. The District is also required to maintain a list of students, parents or staff members who wish to receive a 48-hour prior written notification of specific pesticide applications in the District. This is to advise there have been no additional applications since the last notification.
The Smithtown School District, since 1992, has utilized an integrated pest management program (IPM) in order to restrict or eliminate entirely the use of pesticides in or around District facilities. The School District’s IPM program includes the use of a contracted firm, expert in conducting integrated pest management programs. This firm conducts monthly inspections of all District facilities and takes appropriate remedial measures to eliminate or reduce the presence of insects or other pests.
While the District does not anticipate any situation where there will be a need to provide notification of a pesticide application 48 hours in advance, if you would like to receive such notification if one were required, please send a postcard or brief letter to Mr. Daniel Leddy, ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ, 26 New York Avenue, Smithtown, New York 11787, requesting pesticide application notification.
Please include the school building for which you would like to be notified and your name and address. In the unlikely event an application of a regulated pesticide application is required, the District would not apply such chemicals unless the school was to remain unoccupied for a continuous 72 hours following the application. In doing so, a 48-hour notification would not be required.
Return to TopPrivate & Parochial Information
Transportation requests for Private or Parochial ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ are due by April 1st preceding the school year for which transportation is being requested, whether or not the request is for the first time or a renewal. If a parent or guardian decides to change their child’s school after requesting transportation, they must submit a new request form, again, before the April 1st deadline. If a family moves into the school district after the April deadline, they are provided thirty (30) days from the time they establish residence to make their request for transportation arrangements.
All students residing in the District who attend either private or parochial schools will receive their books through an operation conducted by BOCES II. Private school students must submit application for textbooks in a timely manner to BOCES.
Return to TopSection 504
The ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ, Smithtown, New York, hereby gives notice that it does not discriminate on the basis of handicap in violation of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The District further gives notice that it does not discriminate on the basis of handicap in admission or access to its programs and activities, including vocational education programs. No person shall be denied employment solely because of any physical, mental or medical impairment which is unrelated to the person’s ability to engage in the activities involved in the job for which application has been made.
Inquiries concerning this policy may be referred to the Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services, Section 504 Coordinator, 26 New York Avenue, Smithtown, New York.
The secondary vocational education opportunities available to District residents under the age 21 are listed in the handbooks and curriculum guides prepared by the high school.
Return to TopSexual Harassment
The Board of Education is committed to safeguarding the right of all employees, students, or members of the public within the School District to an environment that is free from all forms of sexual harassment.
All individuals associated with this District, but not necessarily limited to the Board of Education, the administration, the staff, students, and members of the public while on school property or on a school related activity are expected to conduct themselves at all times so as to provide an atmosphere free from sexual harassment.
Therefore, the Board condemns and prohibits all behavior of a sexual nature which is either designed to extort sexual favors or which has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment. Any person who engages in sexual harassment while acting as a member of the school community will be in violation of this policy.
Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to unwelcome flirtation, sexual advances, propositions, continual or repeated verbal abuse of a sexual nature, use of sexually degrading words or actions and the display of sexual suggestive pictures.
Sexual harassment in the school, on District property, or on a school related activity by any employee, student, or member of the public is a serious violation for which the appropriate disciplinary action will be taken and may lead to personal, legal and financial liability.
Any employee, student, or member of the public who believes that he/she has been subjected to sexual harassment should make a complaint immediately to any of the following: his/her supervisor, principal, Assistant Superintendent for Personnel Services, or his/her designee.
Complaints will be investigated promptly and corrective action will be taken where appropriate. No member of the school community will suffer retaliation or intimidation as a result of using the internal complaint procedure.
Legal References: Title VII 703, Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended 45 Federal Regulation 74676 issued by EEOC, Section 296 (1)(a) of the NYS Executive Law.
Return to TopSpecial Education
The Reauthorized Individuals with Disabilities Act of 2004 (IDEA) mandates that all students receive a free and appropriate education in the least restrictive environment.
The Committee on Special Education (CSE), for children ages 5-21, and the Committee on Preschool Education (CPSE), for children ages 3-5, is responsible for evaluating information presented concerning a child and determining eligibility for special education programs and/or services. The determination of the CSE/CPSE will be consistent with the continuum of services outlined in the Commissioner’s Regulations and be based on such items as chronological age; learning rate; academic functioning; social/emotional development; physical development; and management needs. Students are placed into special education programs only when the severity of their disability is such that education in a regular class cannot be achieved. Related Services may be provided in conjunction with a mainstream education program or with other special education programs and services.
In grades Kindergarten to 12: If you suspect your child is having academic difficulty, the best place to begin is with your child’s classroom teacher. The building’s Instructional Support Team (IST) will address any concerns and implement modifications, remedial services and strategies. If you feel your child may need the provision of special education services and/or programs, you must notify in writing either the Special Education Office or your child’s building principal. Upon receipt of your written consent, the CSE will evaluate your child. Mandated components of the CSE evaluations are medical, psychological, social history, and educational assessment. However, additional evaluations may also be requested based on the area(s) of concern.
At the Preschool Level: If you have a preschool child and you are concerned about his/her speech, language, learning, physical or behavioral development, you may want to talk to your family doctor first to determine if your child is within the normal developmental scales. If you feel your child may need the provision of special education services and/or programs, you must notify in writing the Preschool Special Education Office and register your child at the Central Registration Office. At registration, you will be asked to choose an evaluator and sign a consent so the evaluation process may begin. If your child is receiving Early Intervention (EI) services, please advise us at the time of your registration. Mandated components of the CPSE evaluations are medical, psychological, social history, and an observation. However, additional evaluations may also be requested based on the area(s) of concern.
The Committee members shall include, but not be limited to, the parent/guardian, at least one regular education teacher of the student, one special education teacher of the student, a school psychologist, a representative of the school district who is qualified to provide or supervise special education, a school physician (if specifically requested in writing by parent/guardian or member of the school at least 72 hours prior to the meeting), an additional parent member of a student with a disability residing in the school district or a neighboring school district (parent/guardian must notify in writing if they wish to waive their right to an additional parent member), other persons having knowledge or special expertise regarding the student, and if appropriate, the student.
If your child is eligible to receive special education services and/or programs, the CSE/CPSE makes the recommendations to the Board of Education (BOE). Upon the BOE’s approval, the Committee develops and implements an appropriate Individual Education Plan (IEP), for resident students, and an Individual Education Services Plan (IESP), for non-resident students. At least once a year your child’s IEP/IESP will be reviewed. However, you may request in writing a meeting at anytime.
If your child is illegible to receive special education services and/or programs and you disagree with the decision of the Committee, you may request mediation and/or an impartial hearing.
Parents/Guardians who place their children in non-public schools must contact the school district where the nonpublic school is located to request an evaluation. If your child receives special education services and you want your child to continue receiving those services while enrolled in the nonpublic school, you must request those services in writing no later than June 1 before the school year in which services are to be provided.
Return to TopStudent Bicycle Use
Students riding their bicycles on school property must comply with New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law 1238 which requires that children between the ages of 1 year and 14 years wear a safety helmet that meets ANSI 190.4 Safety Standards or a comparable standard.
Return to TopTax Code
When filing your State Income Tax form, please be certain to fill in the Smithtown School District Tax Code number (590) in the appropriate space provided.
School aid will be affected if the school district or code number is incorrect or is missing.
You must enter the name and code number of the public school district where you were a resident on December 31, 2006. This information applies even if you were (1) absent temporarily, (2) if the school your child attended was not in your school district, or (3) if you had no children attending school.
Return to TopTitle 45
Unless objection to any of the specific items of information following is submitted in writing by parent or legal guardians or by those students themselves who are over the age of 18 years, the ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ herewith gives notice of intention to provide, release, or publish in newsletters, school or student newspapers, magazines, yearbooks, Internet, or other publications, daily or weekly newspapers, athletic programs, news releases and/or all of the following information pertaining to students as may be appropriate under the circumstances: Name, age, height, weight, grade, major field of study, participation in recognized sports programs, academic honors, achievements, awards, scholarships, and similar information under Title 45. Parents who do not desire release of any of the above directory information must make a specific request in writing to the Superintendent of ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ. Failure to make such a request shall be deemed consent to release, provide or publish the directory information.
Return to TopTitle IX
The ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national origin in the employment and educational opportunities it offers, including vocational educational opportunities.
Also, as required by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, the ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ, Smithtown, New York does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the educational programs or activities which it provides (including vocational programs), appointment of employees, employment pay and benefits, counseling services for students, access by students to educational programs, course offerings, textbooks and student activities.
The Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services, Title IX Coordinator, will provide information, including information on complaint procedures, to any student or employee who feels that her or his rights under Title IX may have been violated by the District or its officials. The office is in the Joseph M. Barton Building, 26 New York Avenue, Smithtown, New York. In addition, any student or employee may make an inquiry or a complaint directly to the Federal Office for Civil Rights.
Return to TopWebsite Accessibility
If you are unable to access any information on the School District’s website or encounter inaccessible functionality and you require an accommodation, please contact the Webmaster at ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ at 26 New York Avenue, Smithtown, New York, 11787, (631) 382-2000. To enable us to respond in a manner most helpful to you, please indicate
the nature of your accessibility request, the preferred format in which to receive the material, the Web address of the requested material, and your contact information. If you would like to file a complaint concerning the accessibility of the School District’s website, as listed above, please contact the Webmaster at ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ at 26 New York Avenue, Smithtown, New York, 11787, (631) 382-2000.
Return to TopWebsite Disclaimer
The seven elementary schools, three middle schools, and two high schools of the ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ located in Smithtown on the North Shore of Long Island, in New York State, have developed this Web site for educational use only. Though no confidential material is contained within the site, we reserve the right to inspect and control all on line information in to and out from this site.
Within this site, supervisory control is allowed and can be expected and there will be no offensive or inappropriate material will be displayed.
The contents of this server and views expressed on its pages do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ. Accuracy of the information contained within these pages or on any pages linked from this site are not guaranteed.
The ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ in compliance with Federal and State statutes, does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, creed, national origin, disability, handicap, marital status, veteran status, age or sexual orientation. Compliance insures that discrimination does not occur in any policies or practices of admission, program, activity, placement, vocational opportunity, or employment. Questions or grievances concerning this matter should be directed to the District
Compliance Officers whose names may be obtained by contacting the ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ at 26 New York Avenue, Smithtown, New York, 11787, (631) 382-2000.
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