Switchboard/General Information |
(631) 382-2000 |
Superintendent of ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ |
(631) 382-2005 |
Accounting |
(631) 382-2120 |
Accounts Payable |
(631) 382-2126 |
Adult Basic Education |
(631) 382-2181 |
Adult Continuing Education |
(631) 382-2090 |
Assistant Superintendent - Curriculum and Assessment |
(631) 382-2035 |
Assistant Superintendent - Finance and Operations |
(631) 382-2115 |
Assistant Superintendent - Instruction and Administration |
(631) 382-2030 |
Assistant Superintendent - Personnel |
(631) 382-2160 |
Assistant Superintendent - Pupil Personnel Services |
(631) 382-2070 |
Benefits/Workers' Compensation |
(631) 382-2175 |
Central Registration |
(631) 382-2024 |
Child Nutrition Program |
(631) 382-5500 |
District Clerk |
(631) 382-2012 |
Facilities Department |
(631) 382-4130 |
Information Technology Services |
(631) 382-2050 |
McKinney-Vento Homeless Liaison |
(631) 382-2070 |
Payroll |
(631) 382-2135 |
Personnel - Certified |
(631) 382-2165 |
Personnel - Non-Certified |
(631) 382-2170 |
Physical Education, Athletics and Health |
(631) 382-2100 |
Printing and Mailing, Central |
(631) 382-2145 |
Purchasing |
(631) 382-2150 |
Security |
(631) 382-2025 |
Security - Command Center (monitored 24/7) |
(631) 382-2022 |
Special Education Preschool |
(631) 382-2085 |
Teachers' Center |
(631) 382-2111 |
Transportation |
(631) 382-4100 |
Warehouse |
(631) 382-5515 |