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School District



Science Department

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The Science Department provides opportunities for students to develop 21st-century learning skills through courses that promote the development of critical thinking and decision-making skills in order to foster scientifically literate citizens. Students explore phenomena in the natural world, create models, and design solutions to real-world problems. Students engage in science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts to obtain, process, and make sense of scientific data. Science classes provide a space for students to work in cooperative groups and collaborate as they connect the content taught in the science classroom to real-life experiences and careers. Hands-on learning extends beyond the classroom through field trips, speakers, and community partnerships.



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Resources Available through ClassLink

The following online resources are available for the Science department are available via ClassLink.

Albert.io - Assists AP students in preparing for assessments through interactive practice questions (grades 9-12)

AP Classroom - Digital resources for students enrolled in College Board Advanced Placement (AP) courses

BrainPOP/BrainPOP Jr. - Short, animated movies as well as games, quizzes, and interactive features to support learning (grades K-8)

Castle Learning - Content review and skill assessment activities (grades K-12)

Discovery Education - Offers immersive and engaging digital content to enrich learning (grades K-12)

Gizmos - Interactive science labs and simulations (grades 6-12)

Learning A-Z/Raz Kids - Provides elementary students with interactive digital books and quizzes for all reading levels (grades K-5)

PLTW - Access to Project Lead the Way activities and resources (grades K-12)

Savvas - Digital textbook access

Vocabulary.com - Assists students in improving their vocabulary skills (grades 6-12)

Additional Support Resources

Honor Society Information

Honor Societies share Google Classroom links directly to Members
High School East Advisor: Dr. Ron Bennett
High School West Advisor: Mr. Robert Warner

Department Presentations to the Board of Education

Staff Directory

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