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Office for Personnel Services-Employment Opportunities

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer


Learn more about employment opportunities here:

Welcome to the ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ's Office for Personnel Services website. The Personnel Office is proud to provide you with information about employment services, current employment opportunities, requirements for employment and support information. 

Every member of our organization plays a vital role in supporting the academic, social and emotional success of our students. Therefore, we are committed to the recruitment and retention of the most highly qualified employees that possess the skills and abilities necessary to support an engaging and effective learning environment. Our department remains focused on supporting employees to reach their greatest potential through rigorous performance standards and staff development to meet the District’s aims and objectives. 

Please contact the Office for Personnel Services at 631-382-2165 to speak with a member of our team with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your interest in the ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ.

The ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ in compliance with Federal and State statutes, does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, creed, national origin, disability, handicap, marital status, veteran status, age or sexual orientation. 

Joseph M. Barton Building
26 New York Avenue
Smithtown, NY 11787

Please be advised that all prospective employees of school districts must be fingerprinted which is mandatory by order of the State of New York. Fingerprinting will be done at the applicant’s own expense.

Personnel Resources

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COVID Information for Employees (Updated August 2022)

Employees should follow the guidance below when required to isolate (if you've tested positive) related to COVID-19. The Suffolk County Department of Health Services provides guidance on the requirements.

Attendance Reporting

Contact your direct supervisor and/or building principal immediately and enter your initial absence into Frontline to secure coverage if applicable. Contact Lynn Clifford (certified staff) for assistance entering an absence of more than 5 days. Non-certified staff that are not familiar with the Frontline system should contact their direct supervisor.

NYS Paid Leave Forms

Review the August 2022 COVID Updates memo () for additional information, the NYS Paid Leave form is linked . Complete and return as noted within 14 days only if you are applying for the NYS Paid Leave. Submissions that are not timely or are missing required documents will not be processed. Your initial absences will be charged against your sick leave (if applicable) and the time will be replaced upon timely submission and approval of the NYS Paid Leave information. At-home tests are no longer acceptable for the NYS Paid COVID Leave. Employees must have a laboratory confirmed test result.

Completed forms should be returned within 14 days to: Jennifer Murray 

At-Home Test Reporting

Be sure to report a positive test result to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services on their reporting portal by clicking.

Wishing you and your family well.

Fingerprinting Information

Fingerprinting for employment clearance completed through MorphoTrust. As a reminder, costs associated with fingerprinting are the responsibility of the employee and clearance must be received prior to beginning employment.

DCJS $75.00
FBI $13.25
Morpho Trust Fee $13.50
Total $101.75


Global Compliance Network Training (GCN)

Employees should follow the directions below to set up and/or log into their GCN account.

Policies Against Workplace Discrimination and Harassment

Complaints or reports of workplace sexual harassment (including sexual orientation, gender identity and the status of being transgender) should be reported in accordance with Board Policy #0110.1, Policy Against Workplace Sexual Harassment (a copy of this policy is available at ).

Complaints or reports of workplace discrimination or harassment based upon any characteristic or status protected by applicable law other than sexual harassment (including sexual orientation, gender identity and the status of being transgender) should be reported in accordance with Board Policy #0110, Policy Against Workplace Discrimination and Harassment (a copy of this policy is available at ).

As referenced in Board Policy # 0110.1, Policy Against Workplace Sexual Harassment, the name and contact information for the District’s “Title IX Compliance Officers” are as follows:

Neil Katz
Assistant Superintendent for Personnel
26 New York Avenue
Smithtown, NY 11787

Daniel Helmes
Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services
26 New York Avenue
Smithtown, NY 11787

As referenced in Board Policy #0110, Policy Against Workplace Discrimination and Harassment, the name and contact information for the District’s “Compliance Officer” is as follows: 

Neil Katz
Assistant Superintendent for Personnel
26 New York Avenue
Smithtown, NY 11787

Notice of Non-Discrimination

Retirement Information

Staff - Non-Certified Personnel



Marie Cotrone

Attendance Processing
Canvass Information Job Postings
Civil Service Information
Clerical Sub Coverage
Conference Requests
Duty Statement Creation
Employee Contact Information Updates

Denise Greco

Classified Staff BOE Agenda Preparation
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Preparation
Leave of Absence Requests
Retirement (ERS) System Information (by appointment)
Seniority Calculations
Staff Evaluation & Status Report Information
Timecard Processing: Facilities Employees, PT Nurses, Sub Custodians
Workers' Compensation

Jennifer Murray

Bereavement Notices-Non Certified Staff
Non-Certified Employee Evaluations
GCN Training Account Creation & Maintenance
Timecard Processing: Security Guards
New Hire Intake Processing & Paperwork
Non-Certified Job Postings & Response Information OLAS
Non-Certified Bereavement Information
COVID-19 NYS Paid Leave- Assisting and Processing for Non-Certified Staff


Kris Reilly

Attendance Forms-Facilities 
Attendance Forms for all non-certified employees
AESOP/Frontline - Campus Users/New Hires
BOE release/post
Employment Verifications
NYA Sign in sheets
Records Management
RN License Tracking
Taylor Law Compliance
TEACH Maintenance
Time card checkoff list/time card sorting
I-9 Maintenance

Staff - Certified Personnel


Lynn Clifford

Absence Management (Aesop)
Attendance Recording
Cafeteria Duty Claim Forms
Employment Verification-Sub Teachers
Retirement (TRS) System Processing
Substitute Time Card Processing
Substitute Teacher Coverage
Substitute Teacher Intake

Andrea Mongelli

Certification Information
Employment Verification Intake Paperwork
Mentoring Verification
Retirement (TRS) System Processing
Salary Movement
Transcript Processing

Sheila D'Ambrosio

Data Verification
Employee Evaluation Management (Oasys) Support
Preferred Eligibility Lists
Professional Learning Management (MLP) Support
Seniority Calculations
Staffing Assignment Changes
Staffing Directory
Staffing Information
Tenure Tracking

Carolyn Doria

Attendance Calendar
BOE Personnel Agenda Preparation
Certified Employment Postings
Contract Maintenance
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Information
Leave of Absence Tracking
Sick Bank Management (STA)

Donna Dabrowski

Departmental Purchase Order
Interview Scheduling
Office Level Correspondence
Scheduling & Meeting Coordination
Student Teacher & Observer Coordination

Jennifer Murray

Bereavement Notices-Certified Staff
GCN Training Account Creation & Maintenance
COVID-19 NYS Paid Leave-Assisting and Processing Paperwork for STA Employees