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School District

English as a New Language


ENL Department

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English as a New Language

The English as a New Language Department is committed to equipping our English Language Learners with the tools necessary to achieve academic and social success. We prepare our diverse group of students with rich content that elevates their social and academic skills, and encourages them to become analytical and creative thinkers.



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Resources Available Through ClassLink

The following online resources are available for the English as a New Language department through CLassLink.

BrainPOP ELL - Short, animated movies as well as games, quizzes, and interactive features to support listening, speaking, reading, and writing (grades K-8)

Castle Learning - Content review and skill assessment activities (grades K-12)

Learning A-Z/Raz Kids - Provides elementary students with interactive digital books and quizzes for all reading levels (grades K-5)

Vocabulary.com - Assists students in improving their vocabulary skills (grades 6-12)

Additional Resources


Department Presentations to the Board of Education

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