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English Department

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Smithtown students will experience a balance of literature and informational pieces designed to create opportunities for learners to engage with a variety of topics and texts, and have discussions about texts that support language development and knowledge building. The following are examples of literary and informational text types that could be used in classroom instruction: stories, drama, poetry, fiction, myths, graphic novels, nonfiction, biographies, autobiographies, and articles about science, art, history, and social studies. Information is typically displayed in charts, graphs, or maps, in both print and digital sources.

As students develop their writing skills, they will use a variety of strategies to plan, revise, and strengthen their writing as they work independently and collaboratively to produce essays, poems, short stories, narratives, and other written projects. In all writing tasks, students will learn to use and to adjust language to best communicate ideas, content, and message to readers. All students should be clear on the distinction between conversational and academic language and their purposes and use. As part of their writing development, students will continue to learn about how technology and digital tools for writing can increase learning and communication.



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Resources Available Through ClassLink

The following online resources are available for the English department through ClassLink.

Albert.io - Assists AP students in preparing for assessments through interactive practice questions (grades 9-12)

AP Classroom - Digital resources for students enrolled in College Board Advanced Placement (AP) courses

BrainPOP/BrainPOP Jr. - Short, animated movies as well as games, quizzes, and interactive features to support learning (grades K-8)

Castle Learning - Content review and skill assessment activities (grades K-12)

Discovery Learning - Offers immersive and engaging digital content to enrich learning (grades K-12)

Launch Pad - Digital textbook access (AP English Language and Composition)

Learning A-Z/Raz Kids - Provides elementary students with interactive digital books and quizzes for all reading levels (grades K-5)

Noodle Tools - Online research management tool that promotes critical thinking and authentic research (grades K-12)

Perfection Next - Digital textbook access (AP English Language and Composition)

Renaissance (Freckle) - Online platform providing students with differentiated practice in ELA and mathematics (grades 6-8)

Sora - Digital reading resource (grades K-12)

Springboard Digital - Access to easy-to-use digital tools and resources for secondary English (grades 6-12)

  • Quill - Resources for secondary students to develop grammar and writing skills (grades 6-12)
  • Zinc Learning Lab - Provides secondary students with focused practice in close reading, vocabulary, and text analysis (grades 6-12)

Vocabulary.com - Assists students in improving their vocabulary skills (grades 6-12)

Additional Resources

2023-2024 High School East Electives Information

2023-2024 High School West Electives Information

Department Presentations to the Board of Education

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