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Emergency Closing Procedures

General Information

In preparation for the upcoming school year, parents, guardians and students should familiarize themselves with emergency school procedures. The following methods of communication will be used to broadcast news about emergency school closings:

  • ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ’s Website: www.smithtown.k12.ny.us
  • ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ's Automated Calling System
  • News 12
  • Newsday

If there is any doubt about school being open or closed, please refer to the district website. Residents are requested not to telephone the school office when weather is bad. Too many calls tie up vital phone lines, making it much more difficult to keep everything running smoothly.

Smithtown also has “delayed opening” and “early dismissal” procedures.

Delayed Opening: When it appears that the weather will improve early enough, the school district will institute its “delayed opening” procedure. The methods listed above will be used to communicate the status of the school district, and bus and opening time schedules will be delayed from one to two hours, depending upon the individual situation. Dismissal will remain the same when possible.

Early Dismissal: If inclement weather makes it necessary to dismiss students early, the methods listed above will be used to communicate the status of the school district.

Town of Smithtown School Age Child Care Information

Below is a table of scenarios for the school district that dictate the status of the Town of Smithtown School Age Child Care program offered with our school buildings.

Smithtown CSD Scenario Town of Smithtown School Age Child Care Information
District Closed No before care or after care provided.
Delayed Opening No before care provided.
Early Dismissal No after care provided.
No Afternoon and Evening Activites No after care provided. Your child will be sent home unless you contact the school directly.


Wilson Tech Information (HS Only)

In the event of a delayed opening, there will be no AM Wilson Tech for high school students.