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Accompsett Middle School students win grant

February 12, 2025

Mr. Michael Toth’s eighth grade social studies elective students at

Accompsett Middle School have won a $2,500 grant for the Smithtown Food Pantry through the national leadership organization, Lead4Change.

The students created a lesson plan for Accompsett Elementary students on hunger and food insecurity and also read children's books to the young students to inspire giving.

Eighth grader, Angelina Novello, said she and her teammates learned the value of working together through the experience.

“It helped with teamwork and we had to work together and it paid off,” Angelina said.

The team collected over 1,200 items in the food drive that were donated to the Smithtown Food Pantry.

Congratulations to Mr. Toth and the following students:

Matthew Steneck, Samantha Pineda Castro, Aemlia Qureshi, (not pictured) Kate Miguel Tally (not pictured), Ethan Grossman and Angelina Novello.

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